Why do couples get their horoscopes matched?

Astrology has had an uptick in popularity recently, but it has been a part of HInduism for longer than many of us know. For example, why do couples get their horoscopes matched?

Baby sleeping with Baby Ganesh, Krishna and Hanuman

In Hindu culture, astrological concepts are pervasive in making major decisions surrounding marriage, starting a new business, moving into a new home, etc. It's believed that the stars and planets have an influence throughout our lives, and are the "fruits of karma."

The planets are considered to be deities. The Navagraha, "planetary deities," are considered subordinate to the "supreme deity" and thus, these planets can influence our lives. (#MercuryRetrograde ring a bell?)

There are 36 total Gunas (or points) that you and your spouse are scored on. This "score" helps determine the stability and longevity of your relationship. In case of any potential conflicts, astrology may suggest remedies to minimize its impact. See an example chart below:

A marriage is deemed suitable based on a couple's compatibility score:

  • 18 or less = match is not approved
  • 18 - 25 = average marriage
  • 26 - 32 = great marriage
  • 32 - 36 = perfect marriage but rare

According to Hinduism, our lives are governed by karma. Astrology is the method of understanding your karma by studying the position of the planets and stars. There are 3 things needed to create your vedic horoscope:

  1. Date of birth
  2. Time of birth
  3. Latitude/Longitude of place of birth

Our future is determined by two things, according to the Vedas: destiny and free will. In our life, we will encounter different situations. Our responses to these situations will influence our future thoughts and actions. This, in turn, affects our future situations and the cycle continues. Our destiny is created by our free will.


Although astrology is considered to be a pseudoscience, those who believe, seek to better understand what energies are affecting us, and how we can best respond to those energies, often with spiritual practices.


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