Why Different Hindu Temples are Shaped Differently

Characteristics of Hindu Temples' Architecture

The Evolution of Hindu Temples

1. First it started as caves hewn from the rock and shaped into pillared halls.

2. Then, they evolved to be free-standing stone structures.

3. Next, they started to include carved railings and gateways.

4. Sculptures started to be introduced in those spaces.

5. Last came the introduction of Hindu temples during the Gupta Dynasty (4th - 6th century).

Hindu temples contain 5 prominent areas

1. Shikara / Vimana: mountain-like spire at the top of the temple structure.

2. Garbhagriha: meaning, ‘womb-house’: cave-like sanctum where the main deity is housed

3. Antarala: transition area between Garbhagriha and Mandapa

4. Mandapa: pillared hall for large numbers of devotees to pray, and watch the priests performing the rituals

5. Vahana: the vehicle of the main deity

North India: Nagara Architecture

Temples in the north follow the Nagara style. Commonly seen built on a stone platform with steps leading up to it.

Example of Nagara Style Temple: Swaminrayan Akshardham Mandir New Delhi

South India: Dravida Architecture

Temples in the South are known for its pyramid style architecture. They're also marked by its colorful carvings of monsters, animals, instruments

and deities.

Prominent features:

1. Shikara: the crown

2. Compound Wall

3. Gopuram: the entrance gateway

4. Vimana: the main tower

Vesara Architecture Style

This style is a combination of Dravida and Nagara styles. These structures usually have a star shaped floor plan.

Example of Vesara Style Temple: Kailasa Temple Ellora


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